
John o'Groats to Land's End Walk 2013

On 21st June 2013 myself and friend Tim set off from John O'Groats on a 1,185 Mile walk to Land's End. This is my blog of our journey.


Please help us support Help for Heroes and Willen Hospice by donating here:

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Final Preparations

With just a few days to go now, I am delighted to say that we have received lots of incredibly generous donations for our charities from friends, family and work colleagues.  By the time we finish our walk we are guarenteed to be handing over a fantastic total to Willen Hospice and Help for Heroes.
We are now in the process of final checks to kit to try and decide what is essential and what can be left behind.  Over the course of the last year, all kit has been carefully researched and chosen based mainly on being as light as possible.  The one exception being the rucksack, the MacPac Torlesse 50 is not the lightest, but it has a very comfortable harness and looks to be robust enough for a trip like this.  My pack is still heavier than I would have liked and looks like it will be near to 14kg which I can testify is a bit like carrying a 5 year old child around on your back and not something to relish doing for 25 miles at a time, although at least my pack won't be saying "are we nearly there yet?" for the whole journey.
Kit worries aside, I'm happy that I have done enough walking in training to prepare myself for this.  The walks to work and back are good preparation and prove a time efficient training method.  The biggest worries are always going to be illness or injury, either of which are capable of ruining the best laid plans.  If necessary we may need to be flexible and revise daily mileages and rest.
Worries asside, this walk has been a long time in the planning and I can't wait to just get going now!

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